Book Review: Harness the Power of the Invincible Mind by Alex Neumann
Book Review: Harness the Power of the Invincible Mind by Alex Neumann

Book Review: Harness the Power of the Invincible Mind by Alex Neumann

Title: Harness the Power of the Invincible Mind
Author: Alex Neumann
Publisher: Pearson Press

Initially, I was approached by the author for a book review in exchange for a copy of the book. However, I ended up downloading it from Netgalley. I was apprehensive about reading a self-help book, as they are all similar and regurgitate the same material. And while Neumann’s book did have repeat material, his writing style was impactful.

He has split the chapters into sub-chapters, and as a reader, I liked it. It made it easier to enjoy the chapter and made it an intricate weaving of smaller stories to depict the larger picture. The author used real-life stories to inspire and motivate his readers. I genuinely enjoyed his selection of anecdotes as they were well-connected with the lessons. Neumann pushes his readers to overcome obstacles and find solutions. The book uses multiple Buddhist principles and talks about redefining success.

However, I wish the author had included more practical advice. I appreciate books that include a list of steps or worksheets. It allows the readers to utilize the lessons that the author imparts. The book did feel repetitive and drawn-out in a few sections. It did fail to reel me in.

I would give the book 3 out of 5 stars. A good read.