Book Review: The Stained Sea by Paul Carver Williams
Book Review: The Stained Sea by Paul Carver Williams

Book Review: The Stained Sea by Paul Carver Williams

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the THE STAINED SEA by Paul Carver Williams Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway! 

About The Book:

Title: THE STAINED SEA (Omen Book 1)

Author: Paul Carver Williams

Pub. Date: March 31, 2023

Publisher: Paul Carver Williams

Formats: Paperback, eBook

Pages: 279

Find it: Goodreads 

In the wake of a lost messiah, an oppressed religious sect known as ‘the singers of Oros’ are targeted by those in power. A lone singer calling himself Runo works tirelessly to revive the faith of his people by any means necessary. Even if it leads to bloody experiments, and cold-hearted manipulation. A young slave named Cai is called on by a philosopher to aid in a catalogue of the wealthiest families in Grecuria, starting with the owner of the library where he works. On his journey he must confront a past that isn’t his own. Lastly, Sailing on a sky ship surrounded by merchants, Mele Amahki was given passage to begin a new life. However, everything changes when their pink sky turns blue, and they find themselves in a new, unexpected world where things are much the same as back home, except her people do not exist. She finds herself thrust into positions of power, entirely unsure of what is best for her crew. Knowledge, religion, power, and blood run through the veins of the Grecurian islands. But through three headstrong individuals, the veins will be cut, and darkness will stain the sea.

Why Should You Read This?

Omen: The Stained Sea by Paul Carver Williams is a complex and engrossing tale set in the fictional world of Grecuria, where power, religion, and knowledge collide. The story follows three main characters, each with their own unique struggles, as they navigate a world where the balance of power is shifting.

One of the main characters, Runo, is a member of the oppressed religious sect known as the Singers of Oros. He is determined to revive the faith of his people, no matter the cost. This leads him to engage in bloody experiments and manipulate those around him, making him a complex and morally ambiguous character.

The second character, Cai, is a young slave who is tasked with cataloguing the wealthiest families in Grecuria. Along the way, he confronts a past that is not his own, adding a layer of mystery to his story. His journey also brings him face to face with the corrupting influence of power, as he discovers the dark secrets of those he is meant to serve.

The third character, Mele Amahki, is a passenger on a sky ship that is transported to a new, unexpected world where her people do not exist. As she tries to navigate this new world and protect her crew, she is forced to confront her own weaknesses and uncertainties, making her a relatable and sympathetic character.

The plot of Omen: The Stained Sea is well-paced and intricately woven, with multiple storylines that eventually converge in unexpected ways. The world-building is detailed and immersive, with a rich mythology and history that adds depth to the story.

Overall, Omen: The Stained Sea is an engaging and thought-provoking read that will leave readers wanting more. Williams has created a complex and fascinating world that is brought to life by well-developed characters and a gripping storyline. Highly recommended for fans of epic fantasy and political intrigue.

About Paul Carver Williams:

An LGBTQ, Black-Latino young adult with an eclectic taste in music, Paul Williams has struggled with his identity, eventually leading to mental illness. However, with support from his siblings, he gained new confidence to express his inner emotions through art and writing. At age seventeen, he published his first book. In 2018, along with his friend, Icesis Street, Paul won the technology Student Association (TSA) 1st place State award for Children’s storybooks. He is now working endlessly to carve a place for himself among the creative professionals and pave the way for other talented ‘students’ of art and literature. 

In his newest book, Shadow of Hades, Williams reveals themes of grief, often what we commonly associate with death. He hopes readers are moved to examine their lives on a smaller scale, feel invited to empathize with all aspects of the world and see the magical playground that is our shared universe. The world seemed uniquely grim at the time Williams wrote Shadow of Hades, and that darkness is nuanced in the characters, however, he still provides a glimmer of hope to the readers for a world that desperately needs it and that we should all keep close to our hearts.

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Giveaway Details: 

1 winner will receive a finished copy of THE STAINED SEA, US Only.

Ends February May 6th, midnight EST.

Rafflecopter Code:

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Tour Schedule:

Week One:

4/1/2023I’m Into BooksGuest Post/IG Post

Week Two:

4/3/2023Mythical BooksGuest Post/IG Post
4/4/2023Reads by RadusGuest Post/IG Post
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4/8/2023@jael_and_jenessa_readsReview/IG Post

Week Three:

4/10/2023Rajiv’s ReviewsReview/IG Post
4/11/2023@fieldstone_lflIG Post
4/12/2023Jazzy Book ReviewsExcerpt/IG Post
4/13/2023Books and KatsExcerpt
4/14/2023A Dream Within A DreamExcerpt/IG Post
4/15/2023OneMoreExclamationReview/IG Post

Week Four:

4/17/2023Author Z. Knight’s GuildReview/IG Post
4/18/2023Living in a Fictional RealityReview/TikTok Post
4/19/2023Eye-Rolling Demigod’s Book BlogReview/IG Post
4/20/2023Lifestyle of MeReview
4/21/2023The Momma SpotReview
4/22/2023Review Thick And ThinReview/IG Post

Week Five:

4/24/2023@lexijava Review/IG Post
4/25/2023More Books Please blogReview/IG Post
4/26/2023A Blue Box Full of BooksIG Review/LFL Drop Pic
4/27/2023Country Mamas With KidsReview/IG Post
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