Book Review: It Could Happen by Melissa Baldwin
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Book Review: It Could Happen by Melissa Baldwin

I don’t like change. That’s fine, because I, Tori Hayes, am quite content with my single status and fulfilling sales career. I’ll make an exception and step out of my comfort zone to be a part of my college bestie’s wedding party. Anything for a friend, you know?

But this—this is not what I thought it would be. Suddenly, I’m thrown into drama that only a Southern belle bride and her friends can stir up. The secrets, the lies, the deception—it’s more than I can take. Not to mention that groomsman Tyler, who seems to know exactly how to push my buttons.

I don’t like my buttons pushed. Or maybe I do.

Dashing groomsmen aside, why do I keep finding myself in the middle of all this madness? I want to support Caroline and give her the perfect day, but things are getting messy and fast. Is there going to be a happy ending amid all this chaos?

It could happen …

USA Today bestselling author Melissa Baldwin presents a brand new romantic comedy about friendship and finding love when you least expect it.

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Author Bio

USA Today bestselling author Melissa Baldwin is a planner-obsessed Disney fan who still watches Beverly Hills 90210 reruns and General Hospital. 

She’s a wife, mother, and journal keeper, who finally decided to write the book she talked about for years. She took her dream to the next level, and is now an award-winning, bestselling author of twenty-five Romantic Comedy and CozyMystery novels and novellas. Melissa writes about charming, ambitious, and real women, and she considers these leading ladies to be part of her tribe.

When she isn’t deep in the writing zone, this multitasking master organizer keeps busy by spending time with her family, chauffeuring her daughter, traveling, attempting yoga poses, and going on rides at Disney World.

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Why Should You Read This?

A romantic comedy filled with wedding drama. Bridesmaid rivalry, handsome but frustrating groomsmen, and an adorable couple who just wants to get married – the book is a complete package on wedding shenanigans. I shared a love-hate relationship with the main protagonist – Tori. I did not completely appreciate the way she treated Tyler. However, I could completely relate with her reluctance to change.

There is a lot of detail around wedding planning, however, I enjoyed reading up about it. A light romantic read for people who love their romantic comedies with a tinge of wedding shenanigans.