Book Review: Songs From The Heart by Y.S. Reffitt
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Book Review: Songs From The Heart by Y.S. Reffitt

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the SONGS FROM THE HEART by Y.S. Reffitt Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway! 

About The Book

Author: Y.S. Reffitt
Pub. Date: February 14, 2023
Publisher: Y.S. Reffitt
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 348
Find it: Goodreads

After living with heart disease and depression the last five years, Rayna is ready to crack open the protective shell her parents created for her. While she is trying to live life to the fullest, she meets Nick, the singer/songwriter for a local band. Electricity ignites.

Rayna will not let her heart failure determine her life. But will it change the path she chooses to take when her world comes crashing down?

Book Trailer

Why Should You Read This?

The book tells the story of Rayna’s life, her relationship with her loving but overprotective parents, and her meeting with Nick. Rayna’s story is inspirational and teaches the value of life. It brings out the essence that life is fleeting.

The book is perfect for fans of Nicholas Sparks and Cecilia Ahern. Similarly to Sparks and Ahern, Reffitt evokes strong emotions within her reader. The reader is tightly connected with Rayna living her every life event and decision.

Be ready for an emotional rollercoaster!!

About Y.S. Reffitt

Author of Songs from the Heart. Her debut novel is set to be release on February 14th, 2023. She graduated from West Virginia University with a Master of Arts in Reading. She works as a Reading Specialist. She lives in West Virginia with her husband and two sons.

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Giveaway Details

1 winner will receive a $10 Amazon GC courtesy of Rockstar Book Tours, International.

Ends February 28th, midnight EST.

Tour Schedule

Week One

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Week Two

2/20/2023Review Thick And ThinReview/IG Post
2/21/2023@thrillersandhistoricalfictionIG Review
2/21/2023@carlysunshinebooksIG Review/LFL Drop Pic
2/22/2023@traceyreadsandramblesIG Review/TikTok Post
2/22/2023A Blue Box Full of BooksIG Review/LFL Drop Pic
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2/24/2023Emily AshlynIG Review/Facebook Post