Book Blog Tour: Cover Reveal of “Jane Austen Lied To Me” by Jeanette Watts
Reviewing “Jane Austen Lied To Me” by Jeanette Watts
Reviewing “Jane Austen Lied To Me” by Jeanette Watts
Check out my blog post on Blue Haven by Lisa King.
I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the ASHES by M.K. Harkins Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!
Norse mythology has intrigued mythologists, linguists, and runologists for many decades. This intrigue lies in the mysteries that lurk in these myths. These mysteries include the lack of archeological finds prior to the Viking Age, (late 700s A.D. to 1100), the absence of authentic celebratory rituals paying homage to the Norse gods and goddesses, and an absence of a thorough explanation of the meaning of the names of the Norse gods and goddesses. This book sheds light on these mysterious elements, especially the meaning hiding beneath the names and places in Nordic myth.
I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the RISE OF THE SNAKE GODDESS by Jenny Elder Moke Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. …
Why Should You Read This? This book is a part of a series – A Zodiac Mystery Book. I haven’t read any of the previous …
Suspense Date Published: 06-01-2022 A blink of an eye. That’s all it took for her life to change forever. After two years, …
The Urban Boys Series, Book 1 Young Adult Action-Adventure, Young Adult Thriller, Urban Fantasy, Mystery/ Thriller Date Published: 9-15-2021 Publisher: Two Petals Publishing A …
On Tour with Prism Book Tours The One Who Loves Me (Sovereign Love #2) By Joan Embola Christian Contemporary Romance Paperback & ebook, 340 Pages …
A tale as old as time. A spirit that has never rested. Present day As a love affair comes to an end, and with it …